Technologies For Boosting Productivity In The Pharmacy Sector - Yisa Bray

Yisa Bray who is a well-known pharmacist has mentioned some technologies which can boost productivity in pharma sector in the long run.

The Internet of Things (IoT) To equip a manufacturing facility with IoT, sensors,, and trackers must be installed. These devices produce real-time data that can be used to monitor the performance of machinery and the completion of production cycles- Yisa Bray.

Such a solution integrates nicely with a centralized data repository that gives an organization active information about the operation of the facility. This real-time data may be used to find bottlenecks or opportunities to boost productivity and cut down on equipment downtime.

It makes possible preventative maintenance, a technique that uses data from the IoT to estimate how long a machine can run without needing repair. The downtime of the equipment is reduced by conducting this maintenance before a problem is even reported- Yisa Bray.

Yisa Bray

Augmented reality

An operator going around a manufacturing facility can get real-time, data-based digital warnings thanks to augmented reality (AR), which employs visual technology housed in wearable headgear. The data provides visibility into whether equipment requires repair or potential stock concerns and is best gathered from a central repository linked to an IoT platform.

By overlaying instructional material that directs production cycle workers in their jobs, AR may also increase their productivity and significantly lower human error. In addition, AR may be used for training, overlaying guidelines, and instructions for any activity a worker is learning to complete.


The advantages of automation have been thoroughly addressed on PEX Network, so it should come as no surprise that manufacturers favor it as one of their top technologies.

Delegating labor to machines, which can operate continuously without the possibility of human mistakes, has evident effects on a plant's speed and efficiency.

Numerous businesses have taken note of these benefits, and some, like Beckton Dickinson, one of the biggest producers of pre-fillable syringes worldwide, have even gone so far as to install entirely digital smart factories.

Data collection

Pharma businesses must fully comprehend how their facility works to enhance operational efficiency and productivity. To achieve operational excellence in manufacturing, prioritizing investment in the company's data-related skills might be a crucial first step.

Businesses may do this by implementing a centralized data repository, which collects all of an organization's data and makes it available on a digital platform to all members of the business- Yisa Bray.